If you visit your audiologist in Omaha, NE, there might be some terms you are unfamiliar with. We wanted to make it easier for you to understand some of the common hearing languages we use. Below are some terms with their definitions so you can be more familiar on your next visit with your audiologist in Omaha, NE.
Advanced technology
This type of hearing aid technology is available with processing in up to 20 channels, depending on the manufacturer. It has rechargeable options, and Bluetooth streaming is available in some models. Health (cognitive processing and fitness) tracking is also available in some models. The maximum noise reduction capability is 15 dB.
This is a chart that shows the result of a hearing test.
Audiologists test, diagnose, and treat hearing loss.
The science and medicine of hearing.
Auditory processing
This is the ability to interpret sounds. Auditory processing disorders make it difficult to interpret sounds.
Basic technology
This type of hearing aid technology is available with processing in up to 12 channels, depending on the manufacturer. It has rechargeable options, and Bluetooth streaming is available in some models. The maximum noise reduction capability is 5 dB.
Behind the ear (BTE)
This type of hearing aid goes behind the ear. It has open fitting options, is easy to handle and clean, and there are power models and rechargeable options available. Glasses and mask interferences can occur.
Cognitive decline
This is the decline of one or more cognitive functions, for example, memory. This is one of many side effects of hearing loss.
Completely in canal (CIC)
This type of hearing aid goes completely in the canal. They’re discreet, have great sound, no glasses or mask interference, and minimal wind interference. The only downside is that they require batteries and have limited connectivity.
Comprehensive hearing evaluation
We will obtain accurate hearing thresholds inside our sound booth. We test how you hear speech in quiet at soft, medium, and loud levels, and more importantly, how you hear speech in noise.
Directional microphones
These are available in ITC, ITE, RIC, and BTE style hearing aids. Directional microphones help determine the location of speech versus noise so the hearing aids can more accurately filter out the noise from speech.
Ear canal
The ear canal is the tubular passage from the outer to inner ear.
The eardrum is located in the middle ear. It vibrates in response to sound waves.
Entry technology
This type of hearing aid technology is available with processing in up to 10 channels, depending on the manufacturer. They’re perfect for flat hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and those who require budget technology. The maximum noise reduction capability is 5 dB.
Functional and communication needs assessment
This combined diagnostic/screening visit looks beyond the audiogram to quality of life, balance, vision, dexterity, cognition, and auditory processing. We use these results to create a comprehensive treatment plan that may or may not include the use of a traditional hearing aid.
Hearing aids
Hearing aids are devices that fit around or in the ear in order to help a person experiencing hearing loss amplify sound.
Hearing consultation
We will inspect your ears with a video otoscopy to determine what extent you’re experiencing hearing loss. We then complete a thorough assessment of your hearing inside a sound booth so we can accurately measure the softest sounds you can hear. We can then come up with a treatment plan catered to your lifestyle.
Hearing test
This can measure the sensitivity of your hearing.
Inner ear
The inner ear is next to the middle ear, and has two main parts, the cochlea (the hearing portion) and semicircular canals (the balance portion).
In the canal (ITC)
This hearing aid goes partially in the canal. The smallest style comes with full Bluetooth connectivity, rechargeable options, and directional microphones. The only con is that they’re slightly visible.
In the ear (ITE)
This hearing aid goes partially in the ear. They’re easy to handle, and have no glasses or mask interference. The only downside is the battery life, but power models are available.
Invisible in canal (IIC)
This hearing aid is discreet, has great sound, no glasses or mask interference, and has the least wind interference. However, they do require batteries, are not fit for tiny ears, and lack Bluetooth connectivity.
IP ratings
Each hearing aid is rated for ingress potential (IP). This is the likelihood of dust or moisture breaching the case and accessing the electronics of the device. Battery powered aids have a lower IP rating and thus are more likely to suffer malfunction from moisture or dust.
Middle ear
The middle ear is located behind the eardrum. It’s the air-filled central cavity of the ear.
Outer ear
The outer ear is what you can see; the cartilage and skin.
Personal remote microphones
These are portable devices that you can clip to a shirt or set by a TV and be distant from the sound but still hear it as if you were standing right next to it. These work great for hearing in the car or hearing across large spaces.
Premium technology
This type of technology is available with processing in up to 24 channels, depending on manufacturer. Rechargeable options and Bluetooth streaming is available in some models. Rechargeable devices are sealed and thus have a higher IP rating, making them more durable again dust or moisture intrusion. Health (cognitive processing and fitness) tracking is available in some models. Maximum noise reduction capability is 30 dB.
Pure-tone sensitivity
This is a behavioral test used to measure hearing sensitivity.
Receiver in canal (RIC)
This hearing aid is an open fitting option that is discreet, has full Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeable options, and power options are also available. Glasses and mask interference can occur.
REMs stands for real ear measurements.
Select technology
Available with processing in up to 16 channels, depending on the manufacturer. Rechargeable options and Bluetooth streaming is available in some models. Health (cognitive processing and fitness) tracking is available in some models. Maximum noise reduction capability is 7 dB.
Table microphones
These are portable devices that allow amplification from multiple sound sources at once. The user can tap the device and indicate which microphones are active in order to best hear people at table gatherings. This technology packs a lot of function into a tiny device.
This is a ringing or buzzing sound heard in one or both ears. It can be consistent, or come and go. This is most commonly associated with hearing loss.
Tinnitus masking
These hearing aids can create a customizable and comforting sound stimulus that can be fine-tuned to soothe the unique, irritating sounds a tinnitus sufferer hears. This feature is available in many models and technology levels.
TV streamers
This device attaches to your TV and streams the audio signal wirelessly to your hearing aids. It allows the hearing aid user to customize the TV volume without affecting what others in the room can hear.
Video otoscopy
This is a camera that goes inside your ear and can see the ear canal and ear drum in full color.
We hope this will be a helpful guide for you. Visiting an audiologist in Omaha, NE has an abundance of benefits. If you or a loved one suspects any form of hearing loss, it’s important to treat it right away. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!